Saddle sores can become a serious problem that can create havoc for any cyclists working to a weekly training schedule. Once the cyclist’s saddle sore becomes serious enough it can ruin weekly goals and force you to stop training. It is very important to prevent saddle sores from even developing. Here are some tips…

  • Keep it clean down below.
  • Reduce the friction by not having the seat so high that you hips rock when you pedal.
  • Good cycling shorts. You want chamois against your skin; no underwear or anything else that can cause friction.
  • Take off those cycling shorts as soon as you done with your riding to reduce the chance of infection from sitting around in sweaty bike shorts.
  • Use a clean pair of bike shorts every day.
  • Use baby wipes to clean up. Some people react to the alcohol in the wipes and the alcohol can dry out the skin. However, there are wipes that use aloe vera.
  • Use a lubricant on your chamois. Vaseline is good and available anywhere. There are other fancy products out there too that are specifically designed for this purpose like Aussie butt cream and Qoleum.
  • Experiment with other products. Antibiotic ointment or Hydrocortisone cream on the part of your shorts and your butt where you think you’ll develop saddle sores. I have also found Teatree oil, undiluted, to be very good at removing the infection. But be careful as it may cause an allergic reaction.

Got this tip from an American… You can treat them like a pimple, saddle sores that are uncomfortable to ride try an  ointment called “Preparation H”; or a generic version. Its primary use is to treat haemorrhoids but it appears to be very effective at treating cyclist’s saddle sores by shrinking swollen tissue and easing pain. Apply it five minutes before slathering on your chamois cream and pulling on your shorts. Also try a dab on sores after rides to dull discomfort. I would assume that if this is the case then most haemorrhoid treatment might work the same.